Dear guys, sorry for not so being active in the last weeks. Now there will be a lot of things going on on the www.kellys.wbs.cz website and on its Facebook profile. In few weeks you can await new tours and new tourdates of some Kelly members.;)
Since tonight you can participate on the songlist for the next Kathy's concert in Czech republic on Facebook!!! Yes, the second part of the "Unique concerts" is planned. Check www.kellys.wbs.cz and you will get some more news very soon!!!
KELLY PARTY vol. 3!!!
NORBERT PETICZKY - "I did it my Kelly way"
(Live for Kelly fans)
22.10.2011 PRAHA / Angels Café
(Vinohradská 30, Praha 2)
We're gonna tell you a story... Our Kelly story!
...A concert of Norbert with funny stories of Milan (Pepa) and Norbert about their Kelly life and Kelly trips (included projection of pictures).
Nice songs are waiting for you as Red Shoes, An Angel, I Can't Help Myself, Ares Qui, Proud Mary, Father's Nose....more surprises at the party!!!
TICKETS (reservations): www.ticketbooking@seznam.cz (ticket price: 50,- Kč)
TV/TOUR / Patricia Kelly:
Patricia 29.10.2011 D-Alzenau / Schlößchen Michelbach
(36. Fränkische Musiktage)
TV/TOUR / Joey Kelly:
Joey 10.01.2012 D-Saarbrücken / Congresshalle
(Hysterie des Körpers)