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Secret Forest tour 2008:

John & Maite 09.03.2008 D-Leipzig??? / MDR TV Show

John & Maite 22.04.2008 D-Soest

John & Maite 26.04.2008 D-Heilbronn

John & Maite 02.05.2008 D-Bremen

Here can you find more infos:


European release tour:

Angelo 11.04.2008 CZ-Praha???

Info soon!!!




Die Geschichte der Kelly Family:


Joey 29.02.2008 D-Gymnich / Schloß Gymnich

Here can you find more infos:




Photos from 13.01.2008 Münster/D

(Circus Roncalli & The Kelly Family-Hindenburgplatz)...part 4 (last part)

Now all the selfmades from Roncalli tour are complete!!!
Enjoy it ;-) ...


More good news tour 2008:

The Kelly Family 25.04.2008 D-München / St. Matthäus Kirche

The Kelly Family 26.04.2008 D-Stuttgart / Leonhardskirche

The Kelly Family 27.04.2008 D-Frankfurt am Main / Jugendkulturkirche St. Peter

The Kelly Family 28.04.2008 D-Siegen / Haardter Kirche

The Kelly Family 29.04.2008 D-Duisburg / Erlöserkirche

The Kelly Family 03.05.2008 D-Kassel / Auferstehungskirche

The Kelly Family 04.05.2008 D-Wolfsburg / Kreuzkirche

The Kelly Family 05.05.2008 D-Frankfurt (Oder) / Konzerthalle C.P.E. Bach

The Kelly Family 07.05.2008 D-Rostock / Nikolaikirche

The Kelly Family 08.05.2008 D-Hamburg / St. Johannis Harvestehude

The Kelly Family 09.05.2008 D-Berlin / Kapernaumkirche

The Kelly Family 10.05.2008 D-Lutherstadt-Wittenberg / Stadtkirche St. Marien

Here can you find more infos:


There are finally dates of Angelo's CD and CD-Single release:

29.02.2008 - Angelo's new CD-Single (Smile For The Picture) will come out

28.03.2008 - Angelo's new CD (Lost Sons) will come out

A newsletter from Maite:

Dear friends,finally I am back home, exhausted but happy. Agnes is crazy about her little sister. We thought she might get jealous
but on the contrary, she wants to play mommy in giving her the nounou or handing me over the bottle for me to feed her.
It was so cute. She insisted yesterday carrying with dad the baby in the maxi cosi to the car while we left the hospital
 with her head up high all proud. She’s not the only one to be proud. Florent and I feel very very blessed.

Our Little Josephine is sweet and a very easy baby, never cries unless she´s hungry. She’s all healthy and we are overwhelmingly
happy. We thank God for this gift of life and although, like with Agnes, she needed help in getting into this world per caesarean, we could experience the birth more magical than we could have ever

Flo was with me and the whole doctor team was wonderful. I could recuperate well in the last days despite the pain. It’s all worth it and I want to deeply thank you for your prayers. I am sure they
shield us and warmed our hearts like
a blanket of love. May you all be blessed and please understand, if in the next weeks you will not hear so much of me. My life is taking a new rhythm and I need some time to adapt and recover. You’re
in my thoughts and prayers, Maite

PS.: In the Community you can see the first exclusive photo of Josephine.



Photos from 13.01.2008 Münster/D

(Circus Roncalli & The Kelly Family-Hindenburgplatz)...part 3




February 2008 - Angelo's new CD-Single (Smile For The Picture) will come out




In the belly of the fish tour:

2 of Jimmy's concerts will be moved:

01.02.2008 NL-Enschede --- moved to 02.03.2008!!!

02.02.2008 D-Leer --- moved to 01.03.2008!!!

A newsletter from Jimmy:

Aus organisatorischen Gründen müssen die Konzerte im Enschede und Leer verschoben werden.

Dies sind die neuen Termine:

Leer 01. März 20:00 Uhr 

Enschede 02. März 20:00 Uhr

Alle bereits gekauften Karten behalten ihre Gültigkeit oder können dort, wo sie gekauft wurden, zurückgegeben werden. Wir entschuldigen uns für die anstandenen Umstände und freuen uns trotz dieser Änderungen sehr auf die Tour.

Jimmy Kelly + Team

Sorry for the German language.



Brand new photos from 13.01.2008 Münster/D

(Circus Roncalli & The Kelly Family-Hindenburgplatz)...part 2


Secret Forest tour 2008:

John & Maite 28.06.2008 A-Linz

Here can you find more infos:


March 2008 - Angelo's new CD (Lost Sons) will come out

April 2008 - Angelo's new DVD from the "Up Close" tour will come out

(the new DVD will be available on the "European Release" tour)



Brand new photos from 13.01.2008 Münster/D

(Circus Roncalli & The Kelly Family-Hindenburgplatz)...part 1


Secret Forest tour 2008:

John & Maite 25.04.2008 D-Rüsselsheim

John & Maite 29.04.2008 D-Bayreuth

John & Maite 30.04.2008 D-Berlin

Here can you find more infos:



Maite's second baby was born today at 20:30 o'clock!!!

A newsletter from Maite:

Dear friends,
we are filled with joy to announce the birth of our second daughter Josephine Katherine Francoise Raimond, weighing a healthy 3390 g.
We thank you from the bottom of our hearts for your prayers.
Florent und Maite




There is a new article about the clown David Larible from the circus Roncalli,

about Joey Kelly and also a very small photo gallery from the circus

Roncalli & The Kelly Family show.




Click on "Fotostrecken"


There are small photo galleries from the open air concert in Berlin 26.08.2007.




Here are some photo galleries from Hamburg (John & Maite) and from Bamberg

(Maite Kelly) from teh year 2007.



Brand new photos from 12.01.2008 Münster/D

(Circus Roncalli & The Kelly Family-Hindenburgplatz)...part 3 (last part)



Secret Forest tour 2008:

John & Maite 29.04.2008 D-Weinböhla

John & Maite 01.05.2008 D-Stendal

John & Maite 03.05.2008 D-Braunschweig

Here can you find more infos:





European release tour:

  Angelo 04.04.2008 CH-Liestal / Modus

can you find more infos:



Brand new photos from 12.01.2008 Münster/D

(Circus Roncalli & The Kelly Family-Hindenburgplatz)...part 2

A newsletter from Maite:

Dear Friends, first I would like to wish you a happy new year and I want to thank you for subscribing. I want you all to know, that I am deeply touched by your presence, for only you can bring this future website to life.

Okay finally some news and concrete update. Well, as you maybe know, I would like to bring out my very first solo album next year. I started experimenting in the beginning of the year 2007. I now have a wonderful person with whom I am working on finding the right record label, so that we can really find a team that will believe in me as a growing artist.
As some of you might know, I am expecting my second daughter any moment now and so of course a small baby needs its mama 24h a day especially the first four months. My babies are my priority and I work thanks to them, they motivate me to want to do this solo album even more. That’s why you all have to stay patient with me till the album comes out, which I hope will be in fall 2008. Till then I am working hard from home, writing more songs, because I want you to get the best.

It is all new for me. Being in a family band has other benefits and so I take this all step by step. You can till then get a lot of private updates on my site to stay in touch with what I am doing. Thank you for walking this new road with me.
I want you to know, that this road I am taking doesn’t exclude the work with my family. I tend to continue singing with my other siblings as long as possible. Of course, I cannot do too much neither, as I already mentioned, my husband and babies come first.

Take care ,



Brand new photos from 11.01.2008 Fulda/D


Brand new photos from 12.01.2008 Münster/D

(Circus Roncalli & The Kelly Family-Hindenburgplatz)...part 1


Kathy Kelly Myspace support by KELLYSWBS (Feel free to add us)

Patricia Kelly Online


Pepa's new designs
(1 avatar + 1 signature)


In the belly of the fish tour:

Jimmy 07.03.2008 D-Pirna / Herderhalle

Newsletters from Jimmy:

Jimmys Tour will start very soon on 1st of february in Enschede. He and his band are looking forward to the concerts. Latelywe got two more dates. Klick on „Tour“ to find all dates incl. advance sale infos. 

This time on tour with Jimmy is missio and the campaign „Volltreffer“. Since a very long time Jimmy supports projects of the international katholic mission work missio. Now he is involved in the campaign „Volltreffer – Kein Krieg mit Kindern“: 250.000 boys and girls worldwide are recruited by force and trained as a child soldier. These kids are deprived of their dignity and thVolltreffer-Logoeir childhood. Their cruel crime against humanity may not stay unnoticed. That is why I get involved together with „Volltreffer“ against abuse of children as soldiers.“, Jimmy explains.

The campaign „Volltreffer“ of missio and the protestant mission work „Mission EineWelt“ calls attention nationwide on the situation of child soldiers and will be part of the Tour with information an selling items. The proceeds will finance church projects, which help former child soldiers to overcome their trauma, to get a training and to find the way back into the civil community.

Find more information and the chance to make a donation at: and


Thank you all for your applications and your strong commitment to help Jimmy advertise his concerts. The street teams for for spring tour are fixed. Everyone who didn't get a reply yet won't be in a team for now. But this wasn't the last time we asked for help.

Thanks a lot, see you on tour!!


There is a new article about the circus Roncalli & The Kelly Family




In the belly of the fish tour:

Jimmy 16.02.2008 D-Greifenstein / Schloßkirche (Burg Greifenstein)

Here can you find more infos:


Here can you hear the interview with Angelo for Heaven On Air:




There is a new article about the circus Roncalli & The Kelly Family

in Münster and also a small photo gallery.






European release tour:

  Angelo 18.04.2008 DK-Kolding / Godset

Angelo 10.04.2008 D-München / Feierwerk (Orange House)

can you find more infos:

"Hier ab vier" TV show:

John & Maite 22.01.2008 D-Leipzig / MDR Studios

Here can you find more infos:

Ball des Sports:

Joey 02.02.2008 D-Wiesbaden / Rhein-Main-Halle

Here can you find more infos:


There are new articles about the circus Roncalli & The Kelly Family

in Münster and also a small photo gallery.






Our website will support Kathy Kelly on myspace soon.

We need your help and also your support.

We will post the link very soon. There is still much work on it.




I Feel Go(o)d Tour (Kathy Kelly will be a guest of Christian Fuchs)

Kathy 29.02.2008 D-Witten / Friedenskirche

Here can you find more infos:


Pepa's new designs
(2 avatars + 2 signatures)




Pepa's new designs

(1 avatar + 1 signature)


Jimmy announced in Oldenburg that Meike is pregnant again!!!
Their second baby should be born in the summer.


A journey through History (Ireland meets Kathy Kelly)

Kathy 15.03.2008 NL-Weerselo / Het Stift

Here can you find more infos:


All the common infos to the news and articles will be signed as INFO1, INFO2, INFO3...under the announcement.