

There is an article about Paddy (John Paul Mary) in Bild

Click on the picture to read the article

Angelo 01.03.2009 D-Stuttgart / Koki - the concert will be moved to Club Zentral!!!
Here can you find more infos:
Kathy 15.03.2009 D-Dippoldiswalde / Kulturzentrum Parksäle
Here can you find more infos:

Today I've received this press info from Borodino Concerts:

(You can get this press picture in original size by sending your request on our e-mail address)
Presseinformation 24.09.2008
Kathy Kelly („Kelly Family“) feiert ihr 30jähriges Bühnenjubiläum
Neue CD-Single anlässlich ihrer „Godspel - European Tour 2008”
Die Powerfrau Kathy Kelly, die jüngst mit ihrem Bruder Joey in Frank Elstners Talkshow "Menschen der
Woche" zu Gast war, feiert in diesem Jahr ihr 30jähriges Bühnenjubiläum. Anlässlich Ihres Jubiläums
steht die langjährige Frontfrau und Produzentin der „Kelly Family“, die u.a. für das Album „Over the
Hump“ hauptverantwortlich war (noch immer die meistverkaufte Platte aller Zeiten in Deutschland),
derzeit wieder im Studio. Die Veröffentlichung der Single-CD, die sowohl den fetzigen englischen Titel
„My Last Goodbye“, als auch die deutsche Ballade „Warum gehen wir im Zorn nur soweit“ beinhalten
wird, ist für Anfang Oktober vorgesehen.
Am Tag der Deutschen Einheit startet dann auch die lang erwartete Solotournee der stimmgewaltigen,
klassisch ausgebildeten Mezzosopranistin. Der Name der neuen Europatournee ist direkt angelehnt an
Kathy Kellys Hitalbum „GODSPEL“. Instrumental begleitet vom renommierten Pianisten und Keyboarder
Andreas (Andy) Recktenwald (Sarah Connor, SASHA, Kelly Family, Alexander Klaws, u.v.a.) wird die
studierte Musikerin auch einige Lieder auf der Akustikgitarre und dem Akkordeon eindrucksvoll
interpretieren. Neben den gefühlvoll gesungenen Balladen und feurigen Songs ihrer vier Solo-Alben wird
die Vollblutmusikerin viele bekannte und neu interpretierte Gospels, Spirituals und Traditionals singen, als
auch ihre aktuell eingespielten Songs.
Und man wird in Zukunft sicher noch viel von Kathy Kelly hören, die nicht nur aufgrund Ihrer Haarfarbe
sondern gerade durch den ihr eigenen musikalischen Stil schon immer inmitten ihrer musizierenden
Verwandtschaft auffiel. Oder um es in den Worten der ehrgeizigen Musikerin zu formulieren:
„Ich fühle mich sehr, sehr gut - und ich bin noch lange nicht fertig!“
Kathy Kelly: „Godspel - European Tour 2008“
Termine im Oktober
03.10.2008, 20.00 Uhr: Deutschordensmünster St. Peter und Paul, Kirchbrunnenstr.8, D-74072 Heilbronn
04.10.2008, 20.00 Uhr: Ev. Pauluskirche, Frauenstr. 110, D-89075 Ulm
05.10.2008, 19.00 Uhr: St.-Josef-Kirche, Winzinger Str. 52, D-67433 Neustadt a.d. Weinstraße
08.10.2008, 20.00 Uhr: Matthäuskirche, Schrannenstr.7, D-85049 Ingolstadt
10.10.2008, 20.00 Uhr: Kostel Sv. Bartolomeje, CZ-30100 Plzen
11.10.2008, 20.00 Uhr: Kostel Sv. Jakuba, CZ-60200 Brno
12.10.2008, 20.00 Uhr: Pfarrkirche Atzgersdorf, Kirchenplatz 1, A-1230 Wien
16.10.2008, 20.00 Uhr: Forum Maximum im Rex-Theater, Kipdorf 29, D-42103 Wuppertal-Elberfeld
17.10.2008, 20.00 Uhr: Kath. Pfarrkirche Heilig Kreuz, Schubertplatz 10, D-32756 Detmold
18.10.2008, 19.30 Uhr: Katholische Pfarrkirche, Nordergraben 36, D-24937 Flensburg
22.10.2008, 20.00 Uhr: Kath. Kirche „Zur Hl. Dreieinigkeit“, Marktplatz, D-71640 Ludwigsburg
23.10.2008, 20.00 Uhr: Ev. Christuskirche, Lohmühle/Benzstr., D-72762 Reutlingen
24.10.2008, 20.00 Uhr: Kath. Pfarrkirche St. Marien, Bieberer Str. 55, D-63065 Offenbach
25.10.2008, 20.00 Uhr: St. Katharina Kirche, D-47877 Willich (Mitwirkung: „DIE TONKÖPFE“)
26.10.2008, 17.00 Uhr: St. Michael, D-28759 Bremen-Grohn (Mitwirkung: „LESUMMÜNDER GOSPELCHOR“)
Tickets gibt es unter anderem über www.eventim.de und an allen CTS-Vorverkaufsstellen
sowie bei Borodino Concerts, www.borodino-concerts.com
Termine im November
21.11.2008, 20.00 Uhr: St. Gudula Kerk, Markt 2, NL-7241 AA LOCHEM
22.11.2008, 20.00 Uhr: Grote Kerk Harlingen, Kerkpad 32, NL-8861 SE HARLINGEN
23.11.2008, 20.00 Uhr: Lutherse Kerk Groningen, Haddingestraat 23, NL-9711 KC te GRONINGEN
Tickets gibt es unter anderem über Ticket Service, Tel.: 0031-(0)900/3001250, www.ticketservice.nl
sowie bei F. Zonnebeld, Tel.: 0031-(0)6/53675090
Borodino Concerts, Rückertstr.3, D-91054 Erlangen
Tel.: +49 (0)9131-53022-74; Fax:-76
Weitere Infos unter: www.kathykelly.de und www.myspace.com/kathyannekelly

There is an interview with Paddy (John Paul Mary) on kath.net

Click on the picture to read the interview

Joey 25.10.2008 D-Cham / Stadthalle
Here can you find more infos:
New photos from 30.08.2008 Paris/F
(Angelo-Butte Montmartre)...part 4 (last part)

There is a video and article about Jimmy playing in the streets
Click here to see the video and to read the article
The same video and not well translated article is also on the TV Nova video site tn.cz
(This article of course contains usual rumours of TV Nova)
Click here to see the video and to read the article

New photos from 30.08.2008 Paris/F
(Angelo-Butte Montmartre)...part 3

Paddy 14.09.2008 F-Lourdes / Youth Festival
Angelo's concert 29.01.2009 H-Budapest is SOLD OUT!!!
Official Myspace Site Of Patricia Kelly

Maite 13.09.2008 D-Überlingen / Kursaal
Here can you find more infos:
A newsletter from Patricia:
Dear everyone,
Patricia is on tour, so here is as exception a letter from her team. 
We have a big news – there is another normal “full” concert of Patricia, in Poznan, Poland, in the Blue Note Jazz Club: www.bluenote.poznan.pl,
The concert is on the 5th of October, Sunday, at 19:00 (at least 1,5 hours long).
Tickets can be reserved and bought at in the Club directly (open Monday - Friday 12.00 - 20.00).
Sorry for the short notice, we know, that 3,5 weeks advance is a rough if you have to plan a trip. Unfortunately, it was not possible to fix the date earlier, and to put concert later is not possible because of private Patricia’s plans (that’s why tour ends middle of October). I hope you can come to the concert.
By the way, you can acquire on the concert her first Maxi-CD “A new room”, and other merchandising.
With best regards,
Patricia Kelly Team

Patricia 05.10.2008 PL-Poznań / Blue Note Jazz Club Poznań
Here can you find more infos:
1. Diamond Ring 4:03
2. New Room 5:12
3. Little Body 6:40
4. Put On The Light 4:15
Since today can you buy Patricia's new CD A New Room in her online shop
A newsletter from Patricia:
Dear everyone,
today was the first day since weeks, that I hang around the house, while it was raining outside, with jogging pans and an old sweater of Denis.
I even watched a video with our boys, called “An American in Paris” with Gene Kelly, a magnificent (irish!) dancer.
Since we have no TV antenna (a conscious decision of ours), to watch a DVD is something special. I think it is the first video I have watched in weeks.
I had to think of my grandpa (on my father side), who at early age became a champion of contests on clack-and-toe (or tap-dancing) in US many years ago.
I do have not so pleasant news. I have caught a cold, probably through a draft, and I am forced to drink all day a horrible tea for the bladder. Last week after every concert I gave about 2 hours of autographs and photos, which I understand is important and nice for many of you. And I do it GLADLY, for it gives me a personal and direct feeling of every one of you. However, it is a problem in general, for my physical health is not the strongest.
I am doing the concerts, here is no problem. The big question is if it is not too much for me after every concert 2 hours of signing and photos for 6 weeks long.
My proposal is: I can do autographs, that goes pretty fast. And photos for those who haven’t got one recently. Let us see how it works.
Now a few points.
The Maxi-CD “A new room” is available as of now in my online-Shop. Of course, on all concerts as well.
The homepage in german language will be launched in next days.
We are working on the MySpace, we will keep you updated.
You might have seen that we have some new photographs in the Gallery under “Solo project”, featuring the first Celona concert in Essen.
The start hour of Celona concerts has been shifting back and forth, so now the beginning of the show is 20:30 - Peter and band instrumental music, and I begin to sing at 21:00 o’clock.
So I think it is enough for today. Oh, by the way, don’t expect from me an newsletter every week. It is just at the moment there is so much going on and we want to keep you updated and informed. Things should quite down with time.
I understand, some of you cannot come to my concerts, because of job, family, distance, timing (during the week), sickness, etc. I appreciate your support from where you are. You are in my thoughts. Thank you.
God bless you all,
Patricia Kelly
P.S. I would really appreciate honest feedback on the CD, just send an email to Feedbackconcerts@patricia-kelly.com
There is a new video on the Official Youtube Channel Of Angelo Kelly
Click on the picture to see the video

New video from 30.08.2008 Paris/F - Since You're There

Click on the picture to see the video directly on Kellyswbs Youtube Channel

New video from 30.08.2008 Paris/F - Finally One (Soundcheck)
Click on the picture to see the video directly on Kellyswbs Youtube Channel
Brand new photos from 30.08.2008 Paris/F
(Angelo-Butte Montmartre)...part 2
Joey 18.10.2008 D-München / Olympia-Schwimmhalle (Olympiapark)
Here can you find more infos:

There is a new video on the Official You tube Channel Of Patricia Kelly

Click on the picture to see the video

Brand new photos from 30.08.2008 Paris/F
(Angelo-Butte Montmartre)...part 1

Maite 14.03.2009 D-Bremen / Unser Lieben Frauen Kirche
Here can you find more infos:
Kathy 10.10.2008 CZ-Plzeň / Katedrála Sv. Bartoloměje - the concert will be moved to Kostel Nanebevzetí Panny Marie!!!
Here can you find more infos:

All the common infos to the news and articles will be signed as INFO1, INFO2, INFO3...under the announcement.