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just share it with us and send it on our email: kellyswbs@seznam.cz
Norbert Peticzky - Charitativní koncert pro děti v Afghánistánu
09.04.2011 PRAHA / Angels Café
(Czech language)
Tomáš Jurenka
V sobotu 9.4.2011 se konal koncert Nora v klubu Angels Café v Praze na Vinohradech. Hlavním účelem akce bylo získat dárky a jiné potřeby pro děti v Afgánistánu. Každý, kdo přišel, přinesl nějakou věc/i, kterých je v Afgánistánu nedostatek, např. hračky, pastelky, školní potřeby, hygienické prostředky, zdravotnický materiál vč. lékárniček a léků, oblečení, balenou vodu a potraviny apod. Hudebně byl koncert prokládán především songy Kellys a také Norovou vlastní tvorbou.
Norbert Peticzky
Do klubu jsme dorazili už asi v 18:30h. Přípravy byly v plném proudu a místo na dárky pro děti v Afgánistánu se postupně začalo plnit. Zabrali jsme místa, dali si vínko a příjemně popovídali o Kellys. Koncert začal asi v 19:30h. Noro nejprve zazpíval od Enrique Iglesiase song Hero, se kterým uspěl v soutěži Československá Superstar. Poté na podium vyzval zástupce Ministerstva obrany pana Petra Kottena, který osobně předá dárky dětem do Afgánistánu.
Leona Černá
Další píseň, kterou Noro zazpíval, byl jeho velký vlastní hit Vodopád. Na podium poté pozval Stelu Lozančić, která se také zúčastnila soutěže Československá Superstar a zde nám zazpívala další píseň. Noro také pozval publikum na koncert Johna Kellyho
a Maite Itoz, který se bude konat 10.9.2011 v klubu Exit Chmelnice v Praze a Noro zde bude vystupovat jako předskokan. Poté zazpíval několik hitů od Kellys. Na podiu poté vystoupily další hvězdy, Tomáš Jurenka ze soutěže Československá Superstar a Leona Černá z Česko hledá Superstar. Fanynky Kellys si vybojovaly píseň An Angel a večer byl zakončen vyhlášením vítěze o lístky na koncert Kathy Kelly v Brně, který se bude konat 4.6.2011 v kostele Nanebevzetí Panny Marie.
Norbet Peticzky - The Rose
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Večer byl moc příjemný, doporučuji každému, aby se příště zúčastnil, určitě nebude litovat:-)!
Hlavní aktéři
Thank you very much, Kristýna
Paddy Kelly
25.03.1011 Paris
(Czech language)
Nejvíc crazy akce, kterou jsem kdy podnikla! Paddy měl poprvé po 6.ti letech mít veřejné vystoupení po odchodu z kláštera. A to přímo v Paříži u Notre Damu! Nikdy jsem Paddyho na živo neviděla a od dětství to byl můj idol. Týden před akcí jsem dostala z práce i slušnou výplatu a tak jsem začala plánovat. Sama jsem jet nechtěla a tak jsem rozhodila sítě na facebooku. A dvě osůbky se chytiliy a začlo se organizovat Nákup letenek a ubytování nebyl vůbec jednoduchý, ale podařilo se. Kamarádi letěli již ve čtvrtek 24.3., já až v pátek 25.3., kdy se akce konala. Dorazila také kamarádka z Nizozemí.
Docela jsem litovala, že jsem neletěla také o den dříve, protože Paddy již ve čtvrtek zkoušel u Notre Damu a kromě pár lidí tam nikdo nebyl. Já jsem dorazila na místo až v pátek kolem 17hod. Už z dálky jsem slyšela Paddyho zpěv a začal mi běhat mráz po zádech. „On opravdu existuje!“ proběhlo mi hlavou. Poprvé jsem ho uviděla, když zkoušel zpívat přímo z věže Notre Damu. Pak pobíhal různě kolem. Byl hubený, ale vypadal dobře. Sice bylo znát, že už trochu zestárl, ale pořád to byl on.
Akce začala v 19:30 asi hodinovým vystoupením Paddyho. Chvilku před tím byla místa před podiem uzavřená a když se otevřelo, některé fanynky běžely, aby byly u podia první. Přišlo mi to trochu bláznivé, vzpomněla jsem si na staré časy kellymanie. Tolik lidí tam ale zase nebylo, aby se nedalo dostat přímo k podiu. Přímo před podiem stál hlouček cca 50 lidí, ostatní byli roztroušeni po celém prostoru před Notre Damem. Předpovídalo se, že akci navštíví asi 8.000 lidí, ale neřekla bych, že jich tam bylo tolik. Stáli jsme asi ve třetí řadě.
Paddy začal novým songem Unknown you, při které zapomněl slova, což ale bylo docela vtipné. Byl asi trochu nervózní, ale vzal to s humorem. Následovaly písně jako Party time, kde taky trochu zadrhnul, ale vůbec si z toho nic nedělal a nechal zpívat také fanoušky a pak další song Butterflies in my belly. Zpíval i další, pro mě neznáme písničky. Unknown you zpíval během večera celkem 3x. Po hodině vystoupení následoval náboženský program, přímý přenos z Vatikánu s papežem apod. Nevím přesně, co se tam probíralo, vše bylo francouzsky. Paddy vždy každou cca půl hodinu zazpíval další písničku, nevynechal ani píseň s živou ovečkou, která celý večer před tím bečela někde zavřená.
Kolem 23 hodiny Paddy vystoupil s poslední písní I´m the light of the world na osvětlené věži Notre Damu. Byl asi už hodně unavený, protože i zde chvilku zapomněl slova. Je to ale profesionál a dokázal brzy navázat. Celým večerem ho doprovázeli zpěvem jeho tři bratři z kláštera a další muzikanti na housle a bubny a taneční skupina Latin Group. Paddy měnil klasickou kytaru za elektrickou a na podiu poskakoval a nechal občas zpívat i fanoušky. Bohužel když k nám fanouškům mluvil, tak pouze francouzky, což byla docela škoda, protože se akce zůčastnilo také mnoho fandů ze Španělska a Německa.
Bohužel nebyla možnost se s Paddym setkat osobně, popovídat si s ním, či se s ním vyfotit a říct si o podpis. Akce končila světelnou show a Paddyho jsme už potom neviděli. Trochu mě mrzelo, že se s fanoušky ani nerozloučil. Celé jeho vystoupení na mě působilo dost zvláštním dojmem. Je opravdu hodně poznamenán vírou v Boha, často se díval do nebe a občas také spínal ruce… Už to není ten showman jako dřív, ale něco v něm stále ještě je a já věřím, že nám to brzy ukáže. Snad se brzy dočkáme vytouženého come backu
Thank you very much, Kristýna
John Kelly & Maite Itoiz
10.02.2008 Grimma
(Czech language)
Po delším bloudění jsme konečně dorazily před Muldentalhalle, kde dneska večer vystoupí John Kelly a jeho žena Maite Itoiz. Bylo něco málo před 15.00, před halou už čekalo pár nedočkavců, aby zabrali ty nejlepší místa v prvních řadách. Hala je mimo centrum, takže jsme až do 18.00, kdy pouštěli dovnitř, strávily v blízkosti haly. Čekání uteklo celkem rychle…
Přesně v 18.00 se otevírají dveře a jsou vpuštěni vozíčkáři. Asi po 10 minutách jsme vpuštěni i my ostatní. Ženeme se po schodech nahoru a já se zasekávám kvůli koupi lístku… Už ho mám a jdu za holkama. Nedají se přehlídnout – tolik lidí tu zatím není. Jsme blízko pódia…
A konečně se něco děje. Je 19.00 a nastupuje předkapela Karussell. Začátek mě trochu děsí, ale přichází zbytek kapely v početném obsazení a stává se to pro mě poslouchatelné. Teda, až na tu němčinu. Ta mi prostě nesedí.
Po hodině a čtvrt, tj. ve 20.15 předkapela končí a všichni očekávají Johna a Maite. Ve 20.30 je to tady. Už jsou na pódiu s celou kapelou a v plný parádě. Moc jim to sluší, akorát John nás děsí tím, jak je až nezdravě „hubenej“.
A už poznáváme známé tóny. Fairy´s Song jako úvod a pak už následují další pecky z jejich zatím jediného alba Tales From The Secret Forest. Mezi ně vložili mou oblíbenou Txoria Txori, při které se John a Maite krásně doplňují při hře na kytaru. Nevím jak přesně šly písničky za sebou, ale všechno na sebe krásně navazovalo.
Přibližně v půli koncertu zazní sálem irské tóny a na pódiu se objevuje „jakási“ žena tančící irský tanec. John vyzývá i ostatní z publika, aby šli k nim. Po chvíli je na pódiu řada od kraje ke kraji a tančí jak umí. Němky, polky, češky… Všichni dohromady. V průběhu se místy přidává i John, Maite a vokalistky, aby podpořili fanoušky na pódiu. Taneční vložka je ukončena „baletními“ výskoky v podání Johnnyho. Prostě umí překvapit…
Mezi písničkami kouká John pravidelně do playlistu, co má následovat, aby nás snad, nedej bože, o něco neošidili. Není zapomenuto ani na Maitin hlas – dá si jednu operní a jede se dál.
Kolem 21.45 John pohlédne do publika a zezadu se ozve známé: „zugabe“, načež následuje dotaz, co by jsme si přáli „oldie“. Odpověď: Imagine. Všichni tento song odměňují nadšeným potleskem a zpívají s ostatními „pamětníky“. Potom ještě Red Shoes, kdy se Maite oblékne do červených šatů a obuje si červené boty. Myslela jsem, že „oldie“ přídavků bude trochu víc, ale tak se nestalo. Trochu jsem tím byla zklamaná, ale nebyl to snad jejich poslední koncert, co jsem navštívila…
Zdá se, že koncert končí, ale ještě pro nás něco mají. Nastupuje opět Karussell a k nim se přidávají i John s Maite. Dají dohromady finální písničku – Freedom.
Ve 22.15 koncert definitivně končí.
Následuje autogramiáda Karussell a cca po 45 minutách jsou na řadě i Johnny s Maite. My se s nimi také necháváme vyfotit, získáváme podpisy a dál čekáme – teď pro změnu na „gruppen foto“, jak John říká, na myspace.
Je krátce po půlnoci, ještě Johnovi a Maite máváme a opouštíme Grimmu a míříme zpět do ČR.
Ze všeho, co John a Maite na pódiu předvedli, je bezpochyby jasné, že tyhle dvě osůbky nedokážou žít bez fyzické, natož bez vzájemné verbální komunikace. Pořád spolu mezi jednotlivými skladbami štěbetají a tím samozřejmě přítomným naznačují, co bude následovat dál…
Jsou to hrozně fajn lidičky a doufám, že příště budu schopná s nimi prohodit aspoň pár slov. Tohle byl můj první koncert po cca 10 letech, takže jsem byla tak trochu vedle z toho, že jsem jim tak blízko.
Tak toť vše, co mi utkvělo v paměti z koncertu v Grimmě.
Thank you very much, Andy
28.11.2007 Dresden, 29.11.2007
Chemnitz, 30.11.2007 Aue
(English language)
The first concert in Dresden was so nice. Joey and Patricia took pictures with fans.
Pat was very kind and took the pictures with everybody and she asked all the time:
"Does everybody have a picture?"
Joey was a little bit strange or sad or however can I call it...
But he had a reason. He was ill and had a flu.
Kellys sang some old new songs as Greensleeves or Danny Boy.
Chemnitz was also very nice. The church was renewed and very
beautiful. It was sold out, so we payed only 20 Euro for standing.
After the concert I had a nice and funny talk with Maite.
She was so nice and smiled a lot.
I asked her to take a picture with me and she said:"You have so many
pictures with me, I know you very well."
I said:"No, that's not true."
Maite:"Yes, it is."
Me:"OK, but all the pictures are already old."
And she said:"Look at me, I'm ugly and pregnant."
Then we were talking about myspace. I sent her some pictures of
X-tina and Madonna and she asked me how to open the link.
The next day we went to the hotel after the concert. We met Maite
again and she said:"C'mon, let's take a picture together, I promised
you yesterday." It was so nice from her. She didn't promise anything
in Chemnitz but despite of it she took a picture with me.
Then she asked me:"What's your next concert? Britney Spears?"
And then she talked a long time about Britney. I think Maite doesn't
like Britney's husband so much.
After that came Kathy, Paul and Patricia and everybody took a picture with us.
The concert was also very great. Joey was missing but it was the real
"woman power" on stage. The girls laughed a lot and also fans had a nice
fun especially because of two little girls who came on stage and amused the
whole audience.
It was one of my best Kelly actions. Really.
Angelo Kelly & Band
Kraków 01.06.2007
(English language)
After nearly a week of break, happy Sindi was able to go on Angelo’s concert again. Concert in Krakow was one of the three concerts I was most looking forward to. It doesn’t mean of course that on concerts in Bochum or Prague I went only just like that. No, no way. I was just the most looking for concert in Krakow, because I knew I will meet there lots of my friends, I knew already the club so I was not so scared and on. Fact is that knowing the space I am in, means a lot to me. So I knew I will meet my friends, I knew the club what made me much more calmer than about Bochum or Prague and also I knew what to await from the concert. I knew the atmosphere will be special. I don’t have to be Polish to agree with Angelo that Polish concerts have something special, hehe. Anyway, Angelo, Kira and the rest came to club really early. I don’t have to say how I felt when I first time saw Angelo and Kira. Doesn’t metter I have seen them a week before. I was happy again like crazy to see Angelo. To see Angelo together with Kira. I am always happiest person on the earth to see them together. So you can imagine me when in one moment I decided to go to club to make a pee, hehe. I was on my way to wc when I saw that Angelo is coming to the club too, coming closer to Kira and then they are giving kiss to each other. So sweet view to my eyes. I just stopped on my way and was as discreetly as I could, watching them. I was melting like a snow. Really it was so cute. Anyway then I did what I had to do and came back outside, haha. Time was passing by. Some more times we saw Kira and Angelo walking there or there but no kisses anymore, hehe. But of course I was really happy everytime to see them. It’s just me, sorry.
Time was passing by very quick and nice. At the end there came time for me to get in to the club. Again some time earlier than the others. Last year when I came, Angelo was in the club. This time no, but I didn’t mean it actually. I knew this year I won’t be so lucky, hehe. I took my place in first row where I always feel most safe because there is usually a barrier rail to hold. Without it I may be in danger. Especially in Poland, hehe. Some time after I took my place, the concert started. And Sindi was shocked again. Angelo was again wearing the hot shirt which he had in Bochum. Lucky me to see him so sexy once again. You can imagine my face, hehe. The concert was really amazing. Angelo said in tour diary that even better than last year and I really, really agree with him. I had the same feeling. It was really loud, lots of singing, lots of names, lot of fun. Standing in first row, I saw Angelo very good and I saw that a huge smile didn’t almost leave his face. He was smiling all the time. And me too. Anyway in one moment Angelo told us that he is really happy to be back in Poland and that we are really amazing because we know all the lyrics even from the new album despite it didn’t appear in Poland. Then he smiled and said “I don’t wanna know how you got to know the lyrics”. He was laughing and we too of course. Then he added “Anyway that is great”. Then the concert was going on and on. Again lots of singing and calling the names. In one moment we of course started to call “Kira”. She smiled so sweetly. Angelo seemed to be really happy about the fact that she is so liked by us. But of course he would not be himself if he didn’t start to kidding. He made a poor face and said “What about me?” So of course we started to call “Angelo”. Poor Angelo smiled and said it was joke and he wants us to stop. He said “Stop” but we didn’t hear him of course, hehe. So he repeated once more a bit stronger “Stop!” No way, hehe. So he started to call to the mike “Matthiass” We did the same. Then the rest of members from band. Angelo laughed and they all seemed to be really surprised. It was cute. Then before “I trust in you” Angelo told us that the prayer from the song comes from here. From Krakow, from our Polish saint. He said that the saint inspired him to write the song and then “So thank you Krakow for the song”. It was really nice from him. I also really enjoyed singing the refrain of “Love is all” together with Angelo and Kira. It was nice. And I am really happy that Angelo decided to sing this part with Kira all the time. After Bochum I was almost sure he will do it and seems I was right. Anyway doesn’t metter if she own sang it good or bad. I still love her voice and still think it fits to Angelo’s. After our next “Kira” Angelo said also that next time here she should stand on his place and he should stay in back of stage. I love Kira but please, Angelo don’t do it, hehe. Well, the play list was same as in case of others concerts so I won’t write about the songs. One difference was at the end. When Angelo came back to sing last songs, we started to call “I can’t help myself”. At the end Angelo said “First we will sing the rest of songs and then if you still want I will sing that song, okey?” Of course it was okey, haha. I don’t like the new version of “I can’t help myself” so much as the old one, but on concert everything sounds a bit different. I was really happy we could sing it together with him again. After few first concerts I was sad he won’t sing that song anymore. I missed that. The song is to me like little hymn of Angelo and his concerts. But seems that Angelo can do everything to you if you only want it so much, hehe. Happy Polish fans to hear the song again. Oh, and I have to say it: It was so nice of him that to the last songs he put the shirt in Polish colors some fans gave him. It really looked nice.
Well, I really, really enjoyed the concert. It was amazing time. Angelo rocked us. Rocked the club. He is the best. Amazing show. After the concert I noticed that I have broken my watch, my ring is totally destroyed and my wristlet as well. That means concert was great, haha.
Well, backstage was a bit messy. Here I want to greet “amazing” security team of the club. They made more mess than all the fans together. Anyway backstage wasn’t so calm as in Bochum. To me it was a bit dangerous even. People were pushing so much and security was just pretending that they are doing something, I think. Anyway, I must admit that on backstage in Krakow I first time during my tour with Angelo, felt like a total jerk to him…
When I already stood by him to take a picture and I put my hand on his back as usually, suddenly the rest of people started to push so much that I lost my balance. I couldn’t help it. I tried to hold my friend by the hand but she was too far. My hand was too short. And then I realized that to save myself from fall I was holding Angelo’s shirt by the hand I had on his back. At the end he looked on me, smiled a bit and asked me “Is everything fine? Are you okey?” Then I got my balance back, grew red I think and said “Yes, I am sorry”. He smiled again and said “That is okey.” All this was of course so sweet and kind from him, but believe me that I felt like a jerk. I never ever wanted to provoke such a situation to Angelo. Gosh. Anyway then we took the photo already. After that I asked him if it would be possible to sing “I’m coming home” tomorrow because I love this song and I have never heard it live yet. Angelo said: “I know. But this song is really hard to sing live. I will really try it, but I don’t know if I and my band can make it.” I said “I understand. Thanks anyway”. He smiled and then I told him “Thank you for the concert. For you patience to us fans and for the power you give. Thanks a lot” He smiled and said “I thank you. For coming to next show”. And that was it. Thanks to “amazing” security team there was no time for me to take autographs or something cause they started to pull me of from Angelo and him from me. I was really shocked. My God, such a fucking jerks. But then Angelo showed them where their place is, hehe. When they started to say to Angelo that he has to stop giving the autographs cause they want to close the club, first he said “And I want to give autographs to my fans” and then he took all the fans and went with them to the street. When I heard it, I was really proud of him, hehe. He is amazing. Anyway that was it. I had to go then cause the driver was waiting to take us to Prague. The concert in Krakow finished for me.
Thank you again, Sindi
Angelo Kelly & Band
Praha 02.06.2007
(English language)
Report by Sindi:
The concert in Prague was my third and last concert from “Club Tour”. And I must admit I was scared. Somebody said there is lots of stairs on the way to club. My God. I didn’t know if I will be able to get earlier to the club, so I was really afraid it may be hard for me. But I trued not to think about it. At first I had some very nice time in restaurant next to Retro Club. Here I want to thank to all the girls for the great time there. I won’t write names because I don’t see a sense in it, hehe. You girls know you were with me there. Thank you very much. Anyway we were sitting and having some fun. And then Sindi decided to go to wc again, hehe. When I was already leaving it and coming back to the restaurant I opened the door and what I saw? No, no Angelo and Kira kissing this time, hehe. But there was Kira walking just next to me. If I go a bit faster, I think I would for sure crash on her. Anyway I thought to myself “What is going on?” and then I saw the rest of band. Some already on the stairs, some still behind of Kira. I realized that here they came. Some time after that we decided to left the restaurant. Stayed a bit next to the club and then decided to go to eat something. When we came back in front of the club again, I realized I should ask somebody if there will be any earlier entry to the club today. Sven was carrying already the equipment to the club so after a short while I decided to go to ask him together with Hope. And I must say that despite all the stuff everybody are talking about Sven, to me he was really, really nice. He told me what to do to get to the club earlier and on and on. Then he went away and me and Hope went to the club in searching for some security men, as Sven told me to do. At first they told me I can’t get to he club earlier, but when I explained to them once more what I mean, there came another man and he told me I can of course get to the club. He showed me the way by his hand and said “Come in”. I was shocked but he said there is no problem that I will be in club so early. Four hours before the show at the end, hehe. Well, but Sven told me that if this is okey with them, then I can come to club even now so I just did it. The man said I can sit wherever I want, asked me if I still need him and then went away. I sat somewhere and was just watching.
They were setting equipment, Angelo was on the stage, Kira was making some stuff on my side of club, and Sven was walking there and there. Few times he passed me by but didn’t say a word. Seems he really meant what he said to me, hehe. Also Angelo was passing by close few times. Sometimes I felt ashamed. Thought to myself “Poor you. Have to see me again”, hehe. Well, I really had a great time there. Soundcheck was really funny. I didn’t take photos, and tried not to call Angelo’s or Kira’s attention on me. Was just sitting, watching and having fun. Angelo called Florian who missed somewhere and then appeared to the stage with no shirt on his chest, haha. Matthias was making Angelo mad, Kira was singing and many, many more things were going in. After the soundcheck I got melt again. Angelo was walking to Kira and when she saw it, she left her job on my side of club, came to him also and they started to hug. Happy Sindi. It was really cute. Then she was still doing some stuff and Angelo started to work on his comp sitting on the floor. Few times more he was walking around the club so also close to me but then I didn’t look on him, hehe. Then a man who let me in to the club, came again and I asked him if I may leave a club for a few second. He said about few second there is no problem and of course I can. The other security man opened the door to me and waited there for me. When I came back and was on my way to take my place again, Kira was walking right next to me. Honestly I didn’t really know what to do. Look at her or not? Smile to her or not? And then I saw that she is gently smiling to me. In so sweet way. I did the same of course. It was so, so sweet. You guys can’t imagine. Then they all left the club and went to the city. The man who let me get in to the club also disappeared somewhere. Me and Hope could calmly talk and laugh now, hehe. I also had some talk with the rest of security men. They were so sweet didn’t know English so well, hehe. Anyway me and Hope were taking our time on talks till the time of concert came. I took a place good for me again. This time really close to the stage cause there even was no barrier rail. Concert started. When I saw how close I am to Angelo, I got scared, hehe. And sometimes I was really ashamed, hehe. Again in first row and today even after watching Angelo before the concert. I only hope he didn’t think anything bad about me this day already, haha. Anyway concert was nice. I liked it a lot. Almost so loud as in Poland a day before. After first minutes somebody threw on the stage red-white balloons. After a song Angelo took one of the mix and said “This is Poland, or? So that means today we are playing for Prague but also for Poland, right? But that is okey, or? You guys are friends?” It was cute. Anyway I don’t know what about the rest of public but my answer was “Yeah”, hehe. Then Angelo said few words about Prague. That the city is beautiful and he likes it and on and on. What then? Honestly I don’t remember a lot from the concert. It was my last concert and I think I concentrated myself more on Angelo than on the whole show, hehe. I must admit that because seems it is really true. Otherwise I would remember what was next, haha. Anyway the last song also was “I can’t help myself”, during which Angelo was wearing “Czech Republic” shirt. Also looked nice in it. After the last song he said he will come out to sign some autographs and stuff and that was it. I really enjoyed the show. And I really had great, great fun with Hope. Thank you dear.
Backstage part wasn’t so messy as in Krakow. I must admit that. But it also wasn’t so calm and nice as in Bochum, haha. Anyway part of me really enjoyed it and part felt like a jerk again. Angelo decided to stay on stage and we all were under the stage. Everybody was coming up on stage to talk to him and making photos. I wasn’t happy about that. I knew that is not for me. That I am not able to do it. I really, really didn’t want to, but I knew if I want to talk to Angelo, I need. When my turn came I asked him “Could you please sit? Because I am not able to come up on stage.” My God, you can’t imagine how I felt in that moment. Anyway he kneeled down. I gave him three postcards from my own collection. One for Barbara, one for Sabi and one for me. When he finished I started to talk to him. And here I want to apologize all the fans who were standing next to me. Guys I know my talk was so long one. I am sorry. I tried my best to make it as short as I only could, haha. Sorry. Anyway I told Angelo that I am happy that he and Kira are together and that they are for me an example of the fact that real love is still on earth. When he heard it, he looked at me and said a bit surprised “Thank you”. Then I said I wish them all the best, that I pray for then everytime and that I cross my fingers for their kids and also wish them all the best. He said something but right now I don’t remember what it was, hehe. Then I said I wish him lots of happiness, all his dreams come true, success with his solo carrier and his future plans and at the end “And… I am proud to be your fan”. He looked on me again like if he couldn’t believe my words and then suddenly he stretched out his hand to me and when I gave him mine, he shake it and said “Thank you very much. All the best for you”. I smiled, said “Thank you” and went away for good.
What about a photo? There were three reasons why I decided not to take a photo this evening. First of all I really knew my talk to Angelo was long so I didn’t want to take more time to myself. Everybody was waiting and I knew it all the time. Secondly, my dream was always to have only one photo with Angelo. Today I don’t have one. I already have five photos with him. That is really enough for me. I wanted to give the chance to the others. And third reason, actually I think the most important for me: To take a photo we had to go up on the stage. I knew I am not able to do it. Well, Angelo was helping everybody but first of all the help he would have to give me, would probably be bigger than to the other … and secondly… Well, I am not usually ashamed of my illness. I have no problem with asking for help in things I am not able to do cause of it, but Angelo is the only one human on the earth I would never ever ask for help in things I am not able to do cause of the illness. Never, ever. I preferred not to take the photo with him than asking him for help cause of my illness. I can’t explain it by words. It is just like this. That is just me. I can ask everybody in every moment. But never Angelo. I am sorry… But hey! After I felt Angelo, I met Maity Star and Anne. Sweethearts thank you very much that you came to me. I really, really was hoping I will meet you at the concert. It was a big pleasure for me to talk to you and take the photos. Thank you a lot for so warm welcome in your country. Also thank to Brenda that she told Pepa who I am, haha. Thanks a lot. And Pepa, thanks for nice talk and photo. Happy that at last we made it, haha. And by the way: Your Polish is pretty nice. Keep going! And that is it. At the end I said few words to Sven yet and then I left to Poland. Will see when I will see Angelo again, hehe.
Thank you very much, dear Sindi
Nürnberg 19.10.2006
(Czech language)
Kellyovi začali přijíždět kolem 16. hodiny.
Jako první přijel ke kostelu Jimmy, později Joey , Patricia a Angelo, kteří
rozdali pár podpisů. Jako poslední přijela Maite s Agnes.
Koncert začal přesně ve 20 hodin a uvedl ho Jimmy, který poprosil fanoušky,
aby během koncertu nefotili, protože se to nehodí a blesky od focení můžou
zkazit tu atmosféru.
Pak začal Paul se svojí skladbou a později na to navázali Kellys s Madre Tan Hermosa.
Pak následovaly skladby jako Good Neighbour, True Love, Wearing Of The Green, First
Time, What If Love, Babylon, Amazing Grace, I Trust In You, Nanana, Every Baby, Let My
People Go a další. Bohužel si už nepamatuju, jak jdou písničky za sebou.
Některé skladby perfektně sedí k atmosféře v kostele, ale některé naopak vůbec ne.
Docela mě třeba zarazila Maite, která se v kostele začala válet po zemi.
Určitě největším zážitkem z turné je comeback starých songů jako Wearing Of The Green,
Let My People Go nebo Take My Hand, který zpívá Maite.
Celá show trvá asi 100 minut + ještě pár přídavků. V Nürnbergu to bylo I Can’t Help Myself
a na závěr Ave Maria od Patricie. V Mnichově ještě k těmto dvěma písním přidali San Jose.
Na poslední písničku je už povoleno focení.
Celkem bylo na koncertě něco okolo 500 lidí.
Po koncertě skoro všichni hned odjeli, jen Joey rozdal pár autogramů a Jimmy se podepisoval
a vyfotil se s několika lidma.
Turné se až na pár věcí povedlo. Jen by nemusela být při pouštění do kostela taková hysterie jako v roce 1996.